
Collaborative Piano, Piano, Coach, Répétiteur, Doctoral Candidate, Graduate Teaching Assistant
Timothy Wong
(He/Him) Timothy Wong has recently graduated from The University of Hong Kong, majoring in Music and English Studies. He has been studying piano performance under the tutelage of Ms. Nancy Loo, a renowned pianist. Timothy was the first-prize winner of the Four-Hands Class at the 19th Osaka International Music Competition in 2018, and has won awards in many International competitions, including the Hong Kong Youth Music Open Competition.
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Timothy Wong

Timothy Wong has recently graduated from The University of Hong Kong, majoring in Music and English Studies. He has been studying piano performance under the tutelage of Ms. Nancy Loo, a renowned pianist. Timothy was the first-prize winner of the Four-Hands Class at the 19th Osaka International Music Competition in 2018, and has won awards in many International competitions, including the Hong Kong Youth Music Open Competition. He had also given a solo recital in Loughborough, U.K.. Apart from being a soloist, Timothy actively participates in chamber music and often serves as an accompanist for choir, voice and other solo instruments. He was invited to perform Saint-Saëns Piano Concerto No.2 with the Union Philharmonic Orchestra, HKUSU.



Collaborative Piano


Professional Role



Special Skill

Collaborative Piano

Orchestral Reduction

Duo Playing


Classical Music